Women For Peace Movement

We invite women across the world to bring peace to their communities by bringing peace to themselves.

Aina-Nia Learning Journey Inc. knows that women standing in their power also means seeking, defining and creating peaceful spaces for themselves and others.

When a woman comes into her own power and understanding of SELF, inner peace can be experienced. Purpose, joy, and love can be experienced.

When we come together, as Women For Peace, we have the power to vibrate peace in our lives, communities, and the world. Aina-Nia knows first-hand that this is possible.

It is our intention to create a forum for women across the globe to access the tools, techniques, and principles needed to experience internal and external Peace.

We welcome you to any of our monthly Sacred Women Community Circles

Move with us and let’s collectively work towards peace in our communities.

How To Get Involved

1) Join our virtual Sacred Community Circle monthly to share, learn and grow expand global peace

2) Nominate a woman in your family, community or workplace to be a Woman For Peace spotlight

3) Participate in Women For Peace 21-Day Peace Journey and make peace a culture

4) Pay it forward and bring the Women For Peace movement to your local women’s circle, group or ministry

Intended Audience

This movement will bring together the power of women across the world, in every age, size, shape, economic status, sexual orientation, identity and ability, to claim their power and take an intentional stance for peace for themselves, their families and their communities.

This is a Call to Action for internal transformation to take external steps creating a ripple effect for PEACE.

The Women For Peace Movement launched for IWD March 8, 2024 and will culminate in an international summit on IWD March 8, 2025. We will spotlight a woman, who embodies peace in their daily lives, each month.

We will celebrate Women For Peace to access techniques on how to see things differently to affirm and embrace parts of you that have been denied. You’re going to feel a visceral, tangible force and source for love coursing through.

Secure your spot by selecting dates below.

July 27, 2024
10 A.M. - 11 A.M. EST
August 24, 2024
10 A.M. - 11 A.M. EST
September 28, 2024
10 A.M. - 11 A.M. EST
October 26, 2024
10 A.M. - 11 A.M. EST
March 8, 2025
10A.M.-4P.M. EST Women 4 Peace Virtual Culmination

We intend to:

  • Give women, across the world, the principles, techniques, and methodology to mobilize a Women For Peace culture in their local communities

  • Explore methods for transforming the conscious and subconscious hurt, to LOVE

  • Access practical tools that re-acquaint women with their divine creativity and personal courage

  • Identify simple ancient wisdom practices that support the creation of peace, freedom and harmony

  • Create unadulterated fun through digital story-telling, community building and love


This journey is about sharing and transforming through ancient healing practices.



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